Vaza a lista de conquistas/troféus de Star Wars Battlefront II [Spoilers]

Por Reinaldo Alexander Franco Zaruvni

09/11/2017 - 11:342 min de leitura


Imagem de Vaza a lista de conquistas/troféus de Star Wars Battlefront II [Spoilers] no voxel

Um dos maiores lançamentos de novembro é Star Wars Battlefront II, que promete ser uma grande evolução em relação ao seu predecessor. A EA Games ainda está revelando muitos detalhes do game, mas certamente a lista de conquistas/troféus não era um deles.

Pois é, a lista vazou e já está na internet. No total, há 40 conquistas para desbloquear, mas 17 delas são escondidas. Entre uma coisa e outra, temos aquelas que são quase padrão: jogar com todos heróis do multiplayer, realizar as missões da campanha e muito mais. Como sempre, a tabela abaixo pode ser spoilers para algumas pessoas, então é bom deixar avisado. Confira:

Name Description Gamerscore
The Cleaner Complete the mission “The Cleaner.” 10
Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. 15
Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. 15
Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. 15
Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. 15
Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. 30
Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. 15
Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. 15
Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. 15
Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. 30
Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. 65
Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. 30
Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. 30
Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. 40
Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. 30
Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. 30
Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. 15
Secret Achievement Continue playing to unlock this achievement. 15
Outbound Flight Win a match of Starfighter Assault. 30
There Has Been An Awakening Reach Rank 25. 40
The Force is Strong With This One Reach Rank 50. 65
Not All Miss In multiplayer, defeat three enemies within one Vanguard usage five times. 15
A Dominating Presence In multiplayer, boost 100 allies with the Officer commands. 15
Sentry Mode Engaged In multiplayer, defeat 150 enemies with the Heavy’s Sentry Gun. 15
Scoped In multiplayer, get 25 headshots with long blaster rifles. 15
The Interceptor Get 20 Killstreaks with Interceptor ships. 40
The Bomber Defeat 50 enemies using Dual Proton Torpedoes with the Bomber ship class. 15
Multi-tasking Defeat 25 Hero ships with Fighter ships. 15
Complete Your Training Complete all unique Battle Scenarios. 40
There is No Such Thing As Luck Engage in an Arcade match. 15
Ignore Your Instincts At Your Peril Destroy 25 objectives in Starfighter Assault. 15
What a Blast Win a match of Blast. 15
Strike Back Win a match of Strike. 15
Battle Beyond the Stars Win a match of Galactic Assault. 15
Choose Your Path While being marked, defeat 50 enemies in Heroes vs. Villains. 15
Quick Strike Be the first one to defeat an enemy in a multiplayer match. 40
Heavy is the Hand Win, a match of Heroes vs. Villains. 15
Do. Or Do Not. There is no Try. Play as all heroes in Multiplayer. 40
A Galaxy at War Win one match in each Multiplayer game mode. 40
We are the Spark Defeat 500 enemies as a hero on any Multiplayer map. 40

Star Wars Battlefront II terá um modo campanha e um multiplayer até três vezes maior que o game anterior. Agora, só resta esperar para pegar todas as conquistas e troféus, já que o game chega dia 17 de novembro ao Xbox One, PlayStation 4 e PC.

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