Sekiro tem lista de troféus revelada; pegar platina/1000g não é tão difícil
Por Lanna Solci
08/03/2019 - 10:30•3 min de leitura
Imagem de Sekiro tem lista de troféus revelada; pegar platina/1000g não é tão difícil no voxel
Preparado para se internar em Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice e alcançar o delicioso troféu de platina ou os 1000g? O game da From Software teve lista de troféus revelada no Reddit, e a boa notícia é que atingir os 100% não parece ser aquele martírio de qualquer outro título da desenvolvedora japonesa.
Basicamente, Sekiro tem um total de 34 troféus, sendo 4 de ouro, 11 de prata, 18 de bronze e, é claro, a almejada platina. As exigências não são nada absurdas: desbloquear e maximizar ferramentas e habilidades; derrotar todos os chefões; visitar todas as regiões e desbloquear os 4 finais, entre outras tarefas contextuais.
A lista adiante foi inserida exatamente conforme a original, com descrições em inglês. Esteja ciente de que algumas delas contêm spoilers, portanto, siga com a leitura por sua própria conta e risco.
Vamos lá:
All trophies have been unlocked.
Man Without Equal
Defeated all bosses
Ashina Traveler
Traveled to all areas of the game
Master of the Prosthetic
Upgraded all Prosthetic Tools to their limit
Height of Technique
Acquired all skills
All Prosthetic Tools
Acquired all Prosthetic Tools
All Ninjutsu Techniques
Acquired all Ninjutsu Techniques
Peak Physical Strength
Upgraded Vitality and Posture to their limit
Ultimate Healing Gourd
Fully upgraded the “Healing Gourd”
Immortal Severance
Attained the “Immortal Severance” ending
Attained the “Purification” ending
Dragon’s Homecoming
Attained the “Return” ending
Attained the “Shura” ending
Sword Saint, Isshin Ashina
Defeated “Sword Saint Isshin Ashina”
Master of the Arts
Grasped the inner mysteries of any combat style
Lazuline Upgrade
Used Lapis Lazuli to upgrade any tool to its limit
Revered Blade
Received the “Kusabimaru” from Kuro
Shinobi Prosthetic
Acquired the Shinobi Prosthetic
Memorial Mob
Encountered the Memorial Mob
Returned from the dead using “Resurrection” for the first time
Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa
Defeated “Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa”
The Phantom Lady Butterfly
Defeated “Lady Butterfly”
Genichiro Ashina
Defeated “Genichiro Ashina”
Guardian Ape
Defeated the “Guardian Ape”
Guardian Ape Immortality Severed
Used the Mortal Blade to sever the Guardian Ape’s undying
Folding Screen Monkeys
Caught the Folding Screen Monkeys
Great Shinobi – Owl
Defeated “Great Shinobi – Owl”
Father Surpassed
Defeated “Great Shinobi – Owl” at the Hirata Estate
Corrupted Monk
Defeated the “Corrupted Monk”
Gracious Gift of Tears
Defeated the “Divine Dragon” and obtained the “Divine Dragon’s Tears”
Isshin Ashina
Defeated “Isshin Ashina”
Demon of Hatred
Defeated the “Demon of Hatred”
Great Serpent
Defeated the “Great Serpent”.
Great Colored Car
Defeated the “Great Colored Carp”.
O que você achou?
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice será lançado no próximo dia 22 para PS4, Xbox One e PC. Comente aqui embaixo!
Veja também
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